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The Love The Walk The Fruit Episode Two

Jul 23, 2024    Eddie Biamonte

The Love The Walk The Fruit - Episode Two 

II. The Walk

The walk of Jesus was perfect. The foundation of Jesus's ministry was, is, and always will be the Throne Of Grace. For God's throne is Perfection and His Love is His foundation, His Redemption. 

For God so loved us He sent Jesus. God The Father IS The fullness of the universe in every dimension and Jesus IS His direct reflection unto Father God's Glory, Revelation chapters 5, 21, 22. When Jesus walked amongst Israel He did so with God's direct presence. Jesus IS the God walk and the God talk. 

A. To talk about "The Walk" in One message is like trying to put the universe into a bag, impossible, but it's a start. The purpose of this message is to start a conversation: if we put our focus on how Jesus did "The Walk" we too can attempt to do the same things Jesus did. Why? Because He said we could in John's Gospel chapters 14,15 and following. 

Jesus's last priestly prayer concerned our relationship with Him and The Father. As He wept and sweated blood before He was taken to be wrongfully accused, judged, condemned and crucified we were on His mind. Most importantly for us, because of His shed blood through His suffering we who are in Jesus Christ have The Holy Spirit with us and most importantly in us just as Jesus did. Jesus promised He would not leave us as orphans and He didn't. 

B. We have God The Father, we Have Jesus His Son and we Have The Holy Spirit. We are family. 

1. I believe, for us to understand the gifts to the church, the gifts of The Holy Spirit we have to understand who we are. And to attempt to walk the walk as Jesus we need a deeper understanding concerning "The Fruit of The Holy Spirit" which is my third message. So what comes first the walk or the fruit? Love challenged us to walk. I believe as we walk we learn to apply the fruit as we live out each day. Just as Jesus said: I only do what I see My Father doing. Even though the fruit is a list and fully part of the walk the fruit will forever be an ongoing learning part of the walk. The fruit checks us beginning with Love. 

2. The walk of Jesus perfectly revealed His examples to us that Paul referenced in his lists. As a whole Jesus radiated The Love, The Walk and The Fruit perfectly. He is the very outpouring of the fullness therein. He radiated: love, joy peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control. a complexity for sure. When Jesus dealt with the priests and money changers who turned The Temple into a den of thieves what fruit was He exhibiting? Love, goodness and faithfulness. 

Love for God's temple revealed His attributes of goodness that are inherent in His faithfulness and perfect nature as The Word made flesh. God's mercy revealed Himself as a double edged sword. 

3. Jesus perfectly administered each gift of ministry as a perfect reflection of His Holy Father as He was led by The Holy Spirit. He showed us by example and revealed He wants us, His church, to reflect His walk and how to walk His walk in love.

Interesting to note that even though Paul didn't walk with Jesus as the other 12, his lists, his epistles are the canon of scripture called the Bible. Years of studying the Torah as a Jew and spending time in the third Heaven with Jesus plus receiving downloads from Holy Spirit allowed him to pen God's truth as an Apostle.

I Cor. 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ:

1. Each of you is a member of it, 

2. Jesus is The Head Over The Church,

3. The church is an extension His body. 

C. The Apostle’s learned to be Apostles by walking with Jesus.

1. The Apostles were disciples first as they walked the Jesus walk and talked the Jesus talk everyday they were with Him. As they followed the Master they witnessed Him minster in the gifts of office they would soon have to administer. These are the gifts Paul listed and encouraged us to partake in. 

2. Jesus provided the disciples with tasks. He gave the disciples hands on tasks so they could walk the ministry walk. They were not Apostles yet. 

3. It is my belief that we can also learn and grow in the positions of ministry that Paul listed as disciples through the grace of God. 

4. The fulfillment of the gifts grew in anointing when the disciples received the baptism of the Holy Spirit That Jesus promised would be sent by Father God.

D. Each person that Jesus chose and anointed to be an Apostle learned to walk the walk with Jesus and learned to apply the gifts to the church Paul listed. It is also my belief that we should reverse the order of the list. Why? Point 7 started the whole progression. We should start with The Baptism of the Holy Spirit as recorded in acts 2. 

(Later in the message I feel led to touch on the use of the apostleship title. I there modern day expression as a lower case apostolic anointing?) 

It is my belief that each gift to the church Paul listed was actualized in the first 13 anointed persons called Apostles.

(As written)

v.28 And in the church God has appointed:

1. First of all Apostles, 

2. Second prophets, 

3. Third teachers, 

4. Then workers of miracles, and those with gifts of healing, 

5. Helping, 

6. Administration, 

7. and The Gifts of Tongues. 

v.29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? v.30 Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? v.31 But eagerly desire the greater gifts.